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Terms of Use of the Website

Terms of Use of the Website

This web site is provided by KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A.. Before using this web site, you are advised to read the following terms, as use requires unconditional acceptance of these terms. By using this website you signify your consent to these terms of use regarding legislation on privacy. Find out more about our company policy under the paragraph "Privacy".

KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A. reserves the right to modify the following terms at any time without prior notice. In each case the new terms apply by posting them on this website. The access and use after publication of the new conditions signifies their unconditional acceptance.

These terms should not be confused with the terms of contract of carriage, which govern transfer and any additional services, and relate exclusively to the use of our website.

Any dispute arising under these terms, including those relating to the interpretation, is subject to Greek law and shall be resolved in the courts of Chania, Greece.


This website is for personal use only and confers no further rights to the user, who acknowledges that the signs, logos and all intellectual or industrial property rights over the content belongs to KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A. and its licensors, therefore the user cannot copy, reproduce, modify, sell or in any way derive commercial benefit from the contents of this website without the written consent of KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A., subject to any contrasting current legislation.


KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A. does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information contained herein, whether it is text or pictures or any other type of information, regardless of the person that registered it, and is not responsible for any damage or loss, consequential or otherwise, that may be caused or triggered by the use of this website or access to it, including cases such as damage caused by inaccurate data or information as described above. The disclaim of KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A., that the user is presumed to have accepted unconditionally with the use of this website, does not extend to cases of death or body injury by willful misconduct or gross negligence.


In this web site links may be provided to third party websites, whose content or any service offerings and/or products and/or information is not controlled by KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A., and of which it will not be liable in any way. The user acknowledges that access to third party websites and further use of these websites, is made under his/her sole responsibility.


KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A. through its website gives the opportunity to purchase a ticket via credit, debit or prepaid card,Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Electron or American Express, through the secure environment of Alpha Bank. The passengers also have the opportunity to purchase tickets from ticket desks of the company via credit cards. However, they can NOT purchase tickets on the bus via credits cards.


Credit card transactions are conducted electronically in real time between the Buyer and owner of the card by Alpha Bank, which handles the transaction for KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A. based on a contract kept by two sides.

In the whole process of the transaction, KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A. has no involvement, nor ever gets any information relating to the credit cards. KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A. just consents to the bank on the transaction value and only.

In the case that the buyer making the transaction is not the same person as the cardholder, KTEL CHANIA - RETHIMNON S. A. assumes no responsibility, nor is obliged to issue a refund.

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